Two reports on surveys, entitled “Evaluation of the community service orders programme of Kenya” and “Extent of implementation of the United Nations standard minimum rules by African countries”, and the second edition of the African Journal of Crime and Criminal Justice were launched at the second biennial conference of the African Correctional Services Association (ACSA) and were recommended to Governments, educational institutions, experts and civil society organizations. The report on implementation of the standard minimum rules was discussed by a panel during the meeting of an intergovernmental expert group in December 2012.
A study on the drugs situation in Eastern Africa was published. The study increased knowledge about the prevalence of drug use in communities, schools and prisons as a silent crime. It showed how Africa must improve its delivery of social services for the benefit of these hidden groups that are using illicit drugs. National authorities should design special programmes targeting prisons and schools to increase understanding of these hidden segments of society.
Preparations for the third edition of the African Journal of Crime and Criminal Justice are under way, including articles on research aimed at responding to the crime problem and criminal justice challenges. Articles are being generated for consideration and processing by the editorial board. Reports indicate that the journal is influencing the formulation of policy guidelines for crime prevention and criminal justice in a number of countries and is stimulating collaboration between research institutes, experts, academic personnel and public service officers in the search for knowledge based on research on topical issues.